
5 Ways To Make Your Fashion More Sustainable In 2024

The fashion industry is facing a significant challenge to meet its climate targets. According to a report reveals that out of 14 major fashion brands, only four have committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the amount required to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

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  1. The industry needs to take more action to achieve its goals, which will require greater collaboration among competitors.
  2. Moreover, on-demand fashion is becoming more popular as it helps reduce overproduction, a significant problem in the fashion industry, with an estimated 10 to 45% of all clothes never sold to begin with. Some brands like Weekday, Desigual, and Unspun have started experimenting with made-to-order models, and Unspun also provides 3D technology to make clothes on demand directly from the yarn
  3. Dyeing is another polluting process that the fashion industry needs to address. Currently, rivers in countries like Bangladesh and China are polluted by chemical discharge during the dyeing process. However, the innovating, such as Colorifix, Living Ink, and Air-Ink, provide eco-friendly dyeing solutions.
  4. Seaweed is emerging as the material of the moment, with Stella McCartney debuting a seaweed-based yarn, Kelsun, on the runway for spring 2024.
  5. Recycling remains a significant challenge for the fashion industry, as less than 1% of used garments are turned into new clothes. One of the major hurdles is the difficulty of separating blended materials
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Currently, 93% of brands do not pay garment workers a living wage. Moreover, the campaign group Fashion Revolution warns that a shift to on-demand models can put workers under immense pressure.

Ensuring workers have secure jobs and fair pay as the industry continues to embrace new technology and moves towards a more sustainable future.

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