
Cinnamon More Than Just A Sweet Scent: Elevate Your Wellness Routine

Cinnamon is not just a warm and attractive aroma–it is packed with potential health benefits benefits. Cinnamon is derived from trees in the Cinnamon genus, its coating contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, and protective polyphenols.

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Ancient practices like Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine have long valued cinnamon for its therapeutic properties.

What are the two common types of Cinnamon?

Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon. are the most common and affordable variety, including Chinese, Indonesian, and Saigon types. This type of cinnamon also known as ‘true cinnamon’, offers a sweeter and appealing flavor.

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Both varieties carry beneficial phytochemicals and their taste and benefit

Regarding health advantages, I would say cinnamon has much to offer. Remember, the advantages of cinnamon are diverse. Studies reveal its potential in managing diabetes acting with digestion, containing inflammation, and functioning as an antimicrobial agent for skin conditions.

Cinnamon’s antioxidants help avoid chronic diseases, promote circulation, and even lower cholesterol and blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.

On the other hand, Cassia cinnamon contains coumarin, a phytochemical linked to potential liver damage. This healthcare professional before incorporating new ingredients with medical properties.

Undoubtedly, great for wellness. Cinnamon offers multiple ways to elevate your well-being. However, take caution with topical application due to potential skin irritation and photosensitivity. If you know the use of cinnamon, it can be a simple and beneficial addition to your lifestyle.

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