Generation Z’s Impact:

- Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2015) comprises 1.8 billion people globally, nearly a quarter of the world’s population. In India, they’re 375 million strong, accounting for 27% of the population (compared to millennials at 24%).
- They’re the largest generational group in history and hold the key to future consumption patterns.
Shopping Insights from Generation Z:
- Zoomers prioritize individuality, expressing it through trendy items that match their Pinterest mood boards.
- They favour shopping from small businesses and Instagram thrift stores over mainstream options.
- Comfort is important; they prefer sneakers over top–handle bags.
- Casual conversations revealed they buy what they like without much hesitation and avoid outfits that look good on Instagram but not in person.
Unique Traits of Gen-Z:

- Nimish Shah from Bhaane mentions their acute confidence and responsibility compared to millennials. They value relatability over formal aspirations.
Key Questions Explored:
- Explores how essential the online experience is for Generation Z, whether Instagram influences all their purchases, their preference for trendy vs. classic styles, and their actual concern for sustainability.
In essence, Generation Z’s shopping habits revolve around expressing individuality, favouring trendiness, comfort, and unique choices from smaller businesses and thrift stores. Their shopping decisions are guided more by personal preferences than by traditional norms.
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