
Winter’s Vital Vitamins: Your Must-Have Vitamin Help To Conquer illness

As winter sets in, it’s more important than ever to fortify yourself against illness. Although vitamin C is the gold standard vitamin to add to your daily routine if you haven’t already (it can boost immunity, brighten dull winter skin and improve energy levels), there are plenty more supplements out there that can help bolster our bodies (and our brains) this winter.

As the winter sets in, it’s more important than ever to fortify your illness:

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Vitamin D for immune support

Vitamin D is super important because it helps our body absorb calcium and phosphate for strong bones and also supports our immune system. Research shows it can even help fight serious respiratory infections. You can get vitamin D from foods like milk, eggs, fish, liver, and some cereals.

Vitamin B6 for low mood

Vitamin B6 is super important for our immune system, especially when cold and flu season hits. It helps make protective cells called T lymphocytes, which are like soldiers that defend against infections and diseases.

When winter makes you feel low on energy and tired, B6 can help. It helps turn food into energy for your cells. Also, during the darker months, a lot of people might feel down (SAD), but B6, along with other B vitamins, helps keep your brain working well and your mood balanced.

You can get enough B6 from foods like chicken, tofu, fish, bananas, and legumes. Eating these healthy foods should give you all the B6 you need without relying on supplements!

Zinc for Immunity and Sleep

Zinc is like a superhero for your body in winter. It keeps your skin healthy and fights off seasonal sicknesses. It helps your skin stay strong and heal, especially in harsh, cold weather. Zinc also supports your immune system. If you feel a cold coming on, taking zinc with vitamin C might help. Plus, zinc can improve your sleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping in winter, try foods like oysters, meat, fish, and shellfish.

Omega-3 for Skin and Mood

Omega-3s are essential for your skin, especially in the dry winter months. They keep your skin moisturized and flexible and can calm skin conditions like eczema. Omega-3s also help your joints move better when it’s cold. They even boost your mood during winter blues! You can find omega-3s in supplements or foods like fish.

Iron for Energy Boost

Iron is like the battery charger for your body. It helps create red blood cells that carry energy around your body. If you’re always feeling tired, you might need more iron. But be careful with coffee, tea, and wine; they can lower iron levels. To help your body absorb iron better, pair it with vitamin C from foods like orange juice or look for supplements that have both iron and vitamin C.

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