
Which Cooking Oils are Best for Skin and Overall Health? Experts Share Their Top 3 Picks

Oil is essential for Indian foods. But, when it comes to cooking oils, you must be careful about this. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned chef, the oil with which you cook determines not only the nutritional value of the food but also the flavour.

Well, you don’t need to be an expert. Even experts agree that the right choice of oil doesn’t just need supplements but overall health including your skin. Whether used for cold dressing in salads, baking or everyday cooking, we round up 3 antioxidant-rich oils that can help you tick off more than one box on your health checklist.

What do you need to know about Indian skin?

What are Indian skin’s requirements and concerns?

Indian skin tends to have higher water loss in the skin barrier, leading to reducing the amount of ceramides and moisture creating a protective layer on the skin’s surface. As a result, the skin may feel drier and develop a darker appearance as it ages. Using the right serums and creams can help to some extent, and adopting a holistic approach to nourishing your skin from within is crucial. If you are seeking a healthier alternative for your choice of cooking oils, consider the skincare benefits of these potent oils:

Almond oil

Almond Oil is rich in vitamin E, and adding it to your regular meals, either as a salad dressing or for an extra kick of flavour, has benefits. For starters, It can help nourish and hydrate the skin. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe any irritation and redness on the skin.

Olive oil

Olive oil should be on your list of skin-friendly cooking oils. Olive oil helps protect the skin from damage and promotes healthy cells. It has moisturizing properties that keep the skin soft and hydrated. It is good to add to your everyday diet by drizzling it over salads and toast or using it as a healthier alternative.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can offer several skincare benefits with its rich profile of fatty acids and antibacterial properties. It also has moisturizing properties that help keep skin hydrated and supple.

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