Establishing a routine filled with healthy habits has been scientifically proven to benefit your overall well-being. However, when it comes to perfect morning routines and waking up earlier, an important factor is often neglect.

So, it is essential to wake up and feel good. If you’ve never been a morning person or suffer from seasonal affective. Waking up feeling refreshed can be challenging. It is possible to go from a night owl to an early bird by learning a few basic techniques that are worth a try.
Awakening from sleep and feeling restored, alert, and ready to start the day takes time to master and heavily depends on your ability to fall and stay asleep. Due to our modern environments, hectic schedules, and the influence of technology, our circadian rhythm can easily get off-key.

Experts recommend dimming the lights in your home and on your electronic devices one hour before bedtime and turning them off completely at least thirty minutes before you go to sleep. Exposure to blue and white light can disturb your sleep. So, it’s better to use a red light bulb if you need any light.
When your eyes see light, especially natural sunlight, it tells your brain to wake up and be alert. Try to get plenty of natural light, especially in the morning.
Practice doing a high-intensity workout first thing in the morning can reduce sleepiness while eating breakfast improves overall alertness.
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