
Revitalize Your Work-from-Home Routine: 10 Easy Ways to Stay Active

Working from home is still popular after the pandemic due to its numerous benefits. But, there are also some problems found with remote work as well. Most remote work is done while sitting at the computer or on the phone, which means employees can end up staying in one spot for a long period of time—without meetings or coworkers reminding them to walk around once in a while.

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All this can lead to an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle. So, working from home can be a challenge when it comes to staying active and healthy. However, there are several simple habits you can adopt to keep your body and mind in shape:

1. First, keep exercise equipment such as hand weights, resistance bands, and mats nearby and visible. This way, you can easily take a few minutes to build strength and practice exercises when you’re on a break from work.

2. Developing a daily rhythm is also important to keep a routine and stay on track. Set a consistent wake-up time, schedule your work and breaks, and use health apps to remind you when it’s time to get moving.

3. Taking breaks is crucial, but it’s easy to feel guilty about it when working from home. Block your calendar for lunch and coffee breaks, and take walking conference calls to keep your body moving and your mind engaged.

4. To avoid feeling isolated, schedule face-to-face meetings and conduct business outside of your home office. “Soak time” is also essential to reflect on your work and think about what you need to do next. Use this time to take a walk and clear your mind or you will easily burn out.

5. Are not concentrating on your task? Set an alarm for 25 or 55 minutes and focus on a key priority. When the alarm goes off, get up and do something different to refresh your brain and body.

In a nutshell, taking a break is important for your work so you can let your mind and body relax and refresh to do your work effectively.

By adopting these simple habits, you can stay healthy, productive, and balanced while working from home.

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