When it comes to healthy, illuminating skin, considered antioxidant-rich food. The question is what do antioxidants do? The mighty compounds battle free radicals that damage our skin cells. But, adding these anti-ageing foods into your daily diet not only glowing your skin and hair but also maintains your overall health. Here’s how you can make the most of them.
Discover the amazing health benefits of these antioxidant-rich foods:
1. Cocoa: Packed with flavonoids, cocoa fights cell ageing and enhances blood circulation for healthier, radiant skin. Choose dark chocolate with high cocoa content for maximum benefits.

2. Green Tea: Its powerful antioxidants protect the body from free radicals and reduce inflammation, promoting skin elasticity and preventing premature ageing.
3. Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are antioxidant powerhouses rich in vitamins and fibre, boosting brain function and cardiovascular health.

4. Carrots: High in beta-carotene, carrots help maintain healthy skin and protect against wrinkles and dryness.
5. Tomatoes: Boasting high vitamin C content and lycopene, tomatoes protect the skin from sun damage and enhance cardiovascular health.
6. Spinach: Packed with natural antioxidants, spinach helps protect against UV radiation and improve skin appearance.
8. Beets: Packed with alpha-lipoic acid and nitrate, beets help slow ageing, improve cell regeneration, and maintain smooth, firm skin.

9. Kiwi: Loaded with vitamins C and E, kiwi shields the skin from environmental damage, enhances elasticity, and promotes healthy digestion for radiant skin.
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