
Man Up Your Look: How Beauty’s Changing Faces are Redefining the Norm?

The world of men and makeup is not new; it’s been around for centuries. From Egyptians to Brits, men have painted their faces for ages. But for a while, it didn’t remain cool. Fast forward to now, luxury brands like Chanel and Tom Ford have men’s cosmetic collections that suggest.

Image source Vogue France on Google

Jean-Paul Gaultier tried it years ago with his range, but it didn’t quite stick. It is different now. With guys already investing in grooming, adding a bit of makeup isn’t a stretch.

The aim? To look polished, not “made-up”. It’s subtle, mirroring the natural trend in women’s makeup. For Alex Dalley, founder of MMUK, makeup was about confidence. His brand’s grown big, suggesting the market’s catching up. But, as the big fashion houses launch—they are limited, nearly no makeup. Men who want more variety might check out brands like Make Up For Ever or follow influencers like James Charles and Manny MUA. These guys transforming into creative, flashy looks.

What’s clear is that gender doesn’t define the makeup game anymore. Gen Z’s having a blast with it—whether watching or wearing makeup, it’s all about having fun without fitting into boxes.

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