
3 Better Tips That Will Make Getting Dressed in a Heatwave So Much Easier

The sun is shining, and while the warmth is welcome, navigating a heatwave in the city can be challenging. Here are five tips to help you stay cool and stylish during those scorching days.

1. Invest in Sturdy Sandals

Image source Vogue

While trendy mesh slip-ons might look good, they won’t hold up on city streets filled with rubble and dust. Opt for durable sandals like fisherman sandals, which offer both comfort and protection. Your feet will thank you!

2. Choose Breathable Fabrics

Synthetics can trap heat and make you sweat more, especially in packed public transport. Instead, wear lightweight, breathable cotton and linens. Light colors, especially white, reflect heat and keep you cooler. Keep your kinds of cotton clean and fresh plant-based laundry detergent.

3. Go Strapless

Avoid the dreaded sweat patches by opting for strapless outfits. Think Carrie Bradshaw-inspired tubes paired with lightweight cargo pants or off-the-shoulder dresses. You can always throw a cotton blazer over these for a chic look.

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