
What Are the Surprising Causes of Stress Acne and the Best Treatments?

Stress can impact many aspects of our lives, and one of the most visible signs of this impact is stress acne. Unlike blackheads or hormonal acne, stress acne is closely linked to our mental well-being, making it trickier to manage. We spoke with three dermatologists to get a complete guide on understanding and treating stress acne.

What Is Stress Acne?

Stress acne is a type of acne exacerbated by stress. Chronic stress triggers a hormone called Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which increases sebum production and inflammation, leading to breakouts. Stress acne can appear anywhere on the body, but is most common on the forehead, nose, chin, chest, back, and upper arms.

How to Identify Stress Acne

Stress acne doesn’t look different from other types of acne but tends to occur suddenly and in larger quantities. These breakouts are often red, inflamed, and painful.

Causes of Stress Acne

Stress itself doesn’t cause acne, but it releases CRH, which stimulates oil production and inflammation. Increased cortisol levels during stress can also lead to excess oil production and clogged pores.

Preventing Stress Acne

The best way to manage stress acne is by reducing stress by doing activities like mindful meditation, vigorous exercise, walking, journaling, listening to music, drawing, and massage. Ensuring adequate sleep and practising deep breathing exercises can also improve overall mental health and skin condition.

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